SMPS Repairing Guide – Top 10 Most Important Things to Look Out For!

Are you looking for a top-quality SMPS repairing guide?

It's not easy to find a decent guide on fixing switch mode power supply. Most of them are jammed with complicated instructions, making it very hard for beginner and intermediate technicians to follow along.

So to help you select the best SMPS repairing guide, here are 10 important things that you need to look for out…

(1) The repair guide or manual must provide full information on SMPS components written in a straightforward style. So many SMPS manuals out there provide headache inducing info!

(2) It should clearly explain to you how switch mode power supply really works, including in-depth info on ATX power supplies and the power of Mosfet technology.

(3) Repair guide/manual must contain precise schematic diagram along with detailed analysis on the function of each area/section of SMPS.

(4) A good quality guide should help you take the guesswork out of fixing switch mode power supplies by telling you vital details about critical waveforms, and voltages located in various part of an SMPS unit.

(5) Must provide accurate information on all circuit functions of SMPS. This is important because many SMPS repairing guide covers just 1 or 2 circuit functions. Not good! You should learn about all of them.

(6) Includes several valuable case studies for analysis and improvement.

(7) Provides detailed safety guidelines on fixing switch mode power supplies.

(8) Teaches you exactly how to isolate problems thru multiple approaches. If you want to really excel at troubleshooting and repairing SMPS, then you need to sharpen your ‘problem isolation' skill. This skill will enable you to accurately identify the cause of problems in minimal time.

(9) It should show you precisely how to conduct voltage testing on SMPS circuit in the safest and easiest manner.

(10) Email consulting is a must! Yes, the ideal repair manual must include email help from expert author. This is how I greatly improve my repairing skills - by following step-by-step instructions and seeking extra help from an expert via email.

BONUS TIP: In order to find an SMPS repairing guide that fulfills these criteria, you can go to this website.
Just click on the link and a new window will open. Good luck!