How to Troubleshoot SMPS – 3 Systematic Tips for Troubleshooting Any SMPS

If you can't seem to figure out how to troubleshoot an SMPS, then you might want to take a breather, kick back for a moment and read this article.

See, I understand that troubleshooting and repairing switch mode power supplies is no walk in the park. Many fledgling technicians are overwhelmed by the complexity of SMPS circuit patterns.

But that's not going to happen to you!

I'm going to give some very helpful tips including tools selection, where to obtain the best and most complete guide on repairing SMPS, and a few common issues that you need to look out for when dealing with a faulty SMPS unit.

Alright, let's get down to business shall we?

1. Technician tools on how to troubleshoot SMPS…

Set up the necessary tools from the get-go. Of course the Ohmmeter is a must have a tool, but other devices have their place as well.

I recommend you get these tools: magnifying glass, isolation and variable transformer, oscilloscope, AC ammeter, capacitance meter and also a blue ring tester.

Extra tip: The blue ring tester is handy for discovering burnt coil that occurred within the internal winding section.

2. How to get the best manual for repairing SMPS?

I recommend getting a manual that's not overwhelmingly text-based. Photo-oriented instructions are the most ideal and if it comes with personal email help from an expert technician – that's even better!

By the way, you can actually download a deluxe photo instructional guide on how to troubleshoot SMPS including support via email. Simply Click Here to check it out.

3. Common issues that you might overlook…

(a) Hairline crack – Very easy to overlook this one especially if it occurs in small components such as power ICs or diodes. Use your X10 magnifying glass to locate those tiny cracks.

(b) Bulged Electrolytic Capacitors (EC) – Newbie technicians tend to overlook this problem. Actually, bulged ECs are very easy to discover and should be replaced even if your test meter indicates that they can still be used.

(c) Dry joints in the connector section – Always check for loose connection. You see, the multiple connector points are quite prone to dry joints.

Dry joints occurring in the connecter section will lead to loosening of wires and cables!

Anyway, if you still need a downloadable guide on how to troubleshoot SMPS in a step by detailed step fashion complete with full photos and illustrations, just follow this link: Learn How to Troubleshoot SMPS Step-By-Step Manual